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Company Incorporation

and Structures

Liechtenstein law offers diverse options for the investment and management of assets, succession planning, asset protection, and for international commerce transactions.


We advise our clients in the choice of the legal structure suitable for their requirements. Due to our worldwide network, we offer support during the setting up of trusts, private and charitable foundations as well as Liechtenstein- and foreign companies.


We also assume the administration and management of companies, trusts and foundations for our clients as well as their representation in dealings with national or foreign authorities.

Applying our long standing experience in tax-, inheritance-, and commercial law, we advise you in a comprehensive way regarding the selection of the ideal corporate structure and the design of applicable contracts.

The corporate law of Liechtenstein, codified in the Persons and Companies Act [Personen- und Gesellschaftsrecht or PGR] dates back to the year 1926. It has been amended several times but in 2009 with special emphasis on foundation law.

The PGR offers access to a diverse number of corporate structures with foundations, institutions, and corporations having gained special significance for the role which the Principality of Liechtenstein plays as international financial centre.   

Moreover, as the only continental European country, the Principality of Liechtenstein has adopted the Trust of Common Law in the form of trusteeship into its legal system.

Due to its small numbers of mandatory legislative provisions in comparison to other countries, the PGR allows for ample latitude regarding individual solutions.

The right type of your legal structure depends entirely on your requirements. We are happy to determine your detailed needs and, together with you, prepare a customized solution.



PO Box 162


Fürstentum Liechtenstein

Telefon +423 390 1909

Telefax +423 390 1908

MwSt.-Nr. 59434

ÖR.-Nr. FL-0001.005.428-3

© 2018 by CONFIDENTIA Treuhand Anstalt

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